Open Access
The Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access (SHERPA) team at the University of Nottingham has announced the formation of the Centre for Research Communications (CRC).
Based at the University of Nottingham, CRC will house the portfolio of open access projects, services and initiatives currently undertaken by the University. These include the home of the SHERPA partnership; the open access services RoMEO, Juliet and OpenDOAR; the Repositories Support Project (RSP), and the University contribution to the European and international projects DRIVER, Dart-Europe and NECOBELAC. In addition, CRC will also explore innovative research and development activities across the whole field of research communications.
The formation of CRC is yet another boost to the growing open access movement. As demonstrated by the recent award of open access institute of the year award, Nottingham University is now at the forefront of supporting and informing changes in the way that research is communicated around the world.
Picture: Creative Commons: Flickr: FXR
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